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Press Release 2024.07.31

[A MESSAGE from Samsung Electro-Mechanics] Samsung Electro-Mechanics, included in the FTSE4Good index for 14 consecutive years … certified as an excellent ESG management company

▶ Longest-running inclusion in the domestic electronic components industry since 2011
- Certified as a trustworthy company in the global market

▶ Scored 4.2 for E (Environment) S (Society) G (Governance), 1.7 points higher than the industry average of 2.5 points
- Top scores in Supply Chain Management, Employee Health and Safety, and Corporate Governance

▶ CEO Chang Duckhyun emphasized, “We will continue to expand in pursuit of environmental, socially responsible, and transparent organizational culture"


Samsung Electro-Mechanics announced on August 1st that it has been included in the FTSE4Good Index, one of the global ESG assessment indices, for 14 consecutive years since 2011, the longest in the domestic electronic components industry.


FTSE4Good is a specialized ESG assessment index launched in 2001 in collaboration between the Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange. Inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index indicates recognition as a global leader in ESG management. FTSE4Good rating assesses more than 300 items in 14 sectors pertaining to the environment, society, and governance of companies worldwide, including △ environmental protection △human rights, and △ compliance with labor laws. A company cannot be included if it receives below a certain score level in any one of the sectors.


Samsung Electro-Mechanics received excellent scores in all areas, such as E (Environment), S (Society) and G (Governance), with a score of 4.2, higher than the average of 2.5 for electronic components and equipment companies. In particular, Samsung Electro-Mechanics received the highest score of 5 in the areas of ▲ Supply Chain Management, ▲ Employee Health and Safety, and ▲ Corporate Governance.


In addition to managing workplace innovation consulting for its partners, Samsung Electro-Mechanics also offers consulting on labor-management cooperation and talent development methods, and also supports mid- to long-term corporate structure improvements such as specialized technology and leadership training through its in-house Win-Win Cooperation Academy. 


Furthermore, in an effort to build a safe workplace, Samsung Electro-Mechanics is applying the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001) and occupational health and safety standards based on international standards to all business sites and is periodically promoting a culture of compliance with safety work rules.


Samsung Electro-Mechanics established a transparent corporate governance and decision-making structure. In particular, Samsung Electro-Mechanics maintains a ratio of female external directors of 50% or higher to increase diversity on the Board of Directors and strengthened independence of the board in decision-making on business activities by appointing an external director as chairman of the Board of Directors. 


Samsung Electro-Mechanics CEO Chang Duckhyun usually emphasizes, “We must grow together and develop environmental consciousness if we are to fulfill our commitment to the next generation. Together, let’s build a reliable, sustainably growing company that is trusted in the global market for its eco-friendly policies, social responsibility, and transparent corporate culture.” 


Additionally, Samsung Electro-Mechanics is striving for ESG management by choosing 3Ps: Efforts for the Environment (Planet), Pursuit of Happiness for Members (People), and Sustainable Growth (Progress) as ESG management keywords in order to practice the ESG mission of “Sustainable Challenges for a Better Planet & Life.”


Meanwhile, Samsung Electro-Mechanics' sustainability management activities have been recognized by various rating agencies. It has been recognized as a leading ESG company by being the first company in Korea to be included in the “DJSI World Index” for 14 consecutive years, the first in the industry to be certified by the Carbon Trust for “Carbon Footprint,” and certified for “Zero Waste to Landfill” at all business sites in Korea.

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