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Mechanism of Acoustic Noise generation

Copyright. SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS All rights reserved.

Mechanism of Acoustic Noise generation

SAMSUNG Mechanism of Acoustic Noise generation [1] principle of Acoustic Noise generation [2] The origin of Acoustic Noise [3] Deformation Shape of MLCC



Mechanism of Acoustic Noise generation

SAMSUNG Principle of Acoustic Noise generation MLCCs in the power lines result in vibration on PCB - Humans can hear "Acoustic Noise" when PCB vibration is in the range humans' audible frequency range(20Hz to 20kHz) Variation of Applied Voltage → MLCC Vibration by Its Piezoelectricity → Vibration Transfer by Soler → PCB Vibration → Acoustic Noise Generation 좌측: AP(CPU) / DC-DC Converter / Battery 가 놓여 있는 판 그림 → 우측: Voltage Variation을 중심으로 박스가 그려져 있음. 하단에 MLCC, PCB 판 놓여있음.



Mechanism of Acoustic Noise generation

SAMSUNG The origin of Acoustic Noise The origin of Acoustic Noise is the (Inverse) Piezoelectricity of BaTiO3 of MLCC * Structure of MLCC MLCC Cross Sectional Image 그려져 있음 선과 선 사이: ■ Dielectric Layer : BaTiO3 ( Base material of X5R, X7R) → Ferroelectrics ⊂ Piezoelectrics 선: ■ Inner Electrode : Ni 바깥쪽: ■ Termination : Cu / Ni / Sn 100% * Piezoelectricity is the ability of some materials to generate an electric potential in response to applied merchanical stress or vice versa(Inverse Piezoelectricity). * Classification of Crystal Ferro electrics (가장 작은 박스) / pyro electrics (앞의 박스를 품고 있는 더 큰 박스) / piezo electrics (앞의 박스를 품고 있는 더 큰 박스) / 32 Crystal Classes (앞의 박스를 품고 있는 더 큰 박스)



Mechanism of Acoustic Noise generation

SAMSUNG The origin of Acoustic Noise The origin of Piezoelectric Effect of BaTiO3 of MLCC is spontaneous polarization which induces its high dielectric constant (a) Cubic(a=b=c) / Under Tc(125℃) / (b) Tetragonal(a=b≠c) / 보라색 동그라미: Ba2+, 노란색 동그라미: O2-, 주황색 작은 동그라미: Ti4+ / 위로 올라가는 화살표: relative displacement 위의 그림 설명: Fig. The crystal structure of BaTiO3 (Perovskite-type structure) Below the Curie temperature(Tc), BaTiO3 consists of a tetragonal structure, and has a spontaneous polarization ( dipole mement) by off-centered Ti ion which induces piezoelectric effect in case of BaTiO3.



Mechanism of Acoustic Noise generation

SAMSUNG Deformation Shape of MLCC Mechanical vibration assessment for each face of MLCC by using scanning LDV (LDV: Laser Doppler Vibrometer) - For horizontally mounted MLCC, ( Z-vibration) vs.(X & Y - vibration) → Opposite phase! (Poisson's effect*) - Curvature shapes of MLCC are different according to mounting direction 왼쪽 이미지: Deformation Shape of MLCC, MLCC 이미지가 가운데에 있고 Top(Bottom), Head, Side에 해당하는 이미지 있음 오른쪽 이미지: Vibration shape of each face of MLCC / Horizontal Mounting - mlcc가 놓여 있고 위 아래로 나가는 화살표, 위에서 아래로 파란색 반원 그어져있음 / Vertical Mounting - mlcc가 놓여 있고 안에서 밖으로 나가는 화살표, 좌에서 우로 파란색 반원 그어져있음


Copyright. SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS All rights reserved. 

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