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Samsung Electro-Mechanics is committed to providing a work
environment that ensures safety, diversity, and fairness for
our employees.

Evaluation & Compensation

Samsung Electro-Mechanics strives to increase the fairness of employee performance evaluations.


Horizontal communication culture

Bottom-up communication culture

Samsung Electro-Mechanics pursues an employee-centered, bottom-up culture based on horizontal communication. We encourage all employees to use honorifics with each other regardless of position and conduct organizational culture activities that involve employee participation for smooth communication.

Bottom-up communication culture - Category, Details
Category Details
Board consultative group

Monthly board-specific agenda consultative group

  • Trust Board: HR, training, and other related systems and welfare benefit standards
  • Fun Board: Employee social contribution activities, illness support, and organizational revitalization activities
  • Pride Board: Improvement of company-wide welfare facilities, work environment, etc.
  • Women Board: Improvement of welfare facilities and personnel systems related to female employees, etc.
Hanwoolim suggestions

Complaints regarding infrastructure, work, etc. can be submitted at any time and the Hanwoolim Council will respond within 24 hours after consulting with the relevant departments.

SEM Talk

An internal anonymous bulletin board where any employee can post freely

Case - CEO Town Hall Meeting
Samsung Electro-Mechanics actively conducts CEO Town Hall Meetings for transparent communication in the organization. Starting with the Electronic Component Business Team in 2023, we have been holding Town Hall Meetings at our Suwon, Sejong and Busan business sites, and have received positive feedback from our employees who say that it is a time for on-site communication where they can express their honest opinions in a free atmosphere and listen to the CEO’s views on the future of the company.
Valued Leader, Colleague Awards

Samsung Electro-Mechanics recognizes employees who help create a culture where people want to work
through communication and collaboration, and who set an example for others. Cash prizes, plaques/frames,
and flowers are awarded on the company’s founding anniversary, and employees receive HR performance


Work-life balance

Self-directed Work System

Samsung Electro-Mechanics provides an autonomous commuting work system that allows employees to autonomously choose their own working hours according to their lifestyles and job responsibilities in order to improve work efficiency and work-life balance. In addition, we operate an hourly annual leave system and a system that allows employees to individually manage their working hours and vacation schedules, and
pregnant employees and employees with child/family/personal care needs can work reduced hours if they wish.

Lifecycle Benefits

Samsung Electro-Mechanics provides a wide range of welfare benefits to all employees regardless of contract type, including permanent employees and contract employees. With the exception of some benefits for
long-term service, we provide all employees with lifestyle and culture-related benefits such as welfare points, daycare centers, and dormitory support, and medical benefits such as medical expenses, comprehensive
health check-ups, and the operation of affiliated clinics. In the case of welfare points, employees can selectively
redeem items of their choice, such as clothing, food, and travel. Samsung Electro-Mechanics also operates a
welfare benefits system that is tailored to the lifecycle of employees to promote employee growth and job
satisfaction. We offer programs to assist employees with personal and family stability during their employment,
as well as retirement planning programs for employees over the age of 50.

Lifecycle Benefits - Lifecycle Benefits, Parenting support, Health Care, Financial Planning, Personal Pension, Retirement Assistance

Retreats, social clubs, long-term service awards and more

Parenting support

Childbirth support, in-house daycare, medical expenses for children, etc.

Health Care

Health checkups, medical expenses for three critical illnesses (stroke, cancer and heart disease), family care leave, etc.

Financial Planning

Insurance, child tuition, comprehensive financial counseling, etc.

Personal Pension,
Retirement Assistance

Private pension support, retirement pension, retirement planning, and more

Childcare and Family Care Support

Samsung Electro-Mechanics operates various programs to support employees’ childbirth, childcare, and family care. We provide pre- and post-natal leave, infertility leave/leave of absence from work, and maternity care rooms for female employees, while male employees also receive infertility leave (5 days paid leave) and up to 15 days of paid spousal maternity leave (20 days for twins or more). We provide child tuition for employees with children and provide full tuition support for employees with children with disabilities. In addition, we support employees’ work-family balance through programs such as Children’s Day events and employee family camps.

Childcare and Family Care Support - Family care cycle, Supported items
Family care cycle Supported items

Monthly physiological leave (for female employees), fertility medical expense
assistance, fertility leave, and fertility leave of absence from work


Mommy leave, childcare leave, reduced work hours during pregnancy, fetal
examination leave, maternity care room


Pre- and post-natal leave, spousal maternity leave, miscarriage/stillbirth leave, childbirth/adoption congratulations allowance, baby shower gifts, etc.


Childcare leave, reduced work hours during parental years, daycare centers, preschool tuition, middle school/high school/university tuition, tuition for children with disabilities, illness assistance, etc.


Healthy organizational culture

Building an organizational culture that satisfies everyone

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts the Samsung Culture Index (SCI) for all employees once a year to create a workplace where people want to work in and drives improvements after analyzing the diagnostic results in various aspects. In 2022, the existing job satisfaction survey was revamped into an organizational health diagnosis, which is measured in three categories: “Enjoyable work”, “Colleagues working together”, and “Company to be proud of”. The results are shared with employees and feedback is given to leaders in each department to identify areas for improvement. In addition, we strive to improve our organizational culture
through upward evaluation and peer evaluations, an honorific survey, and a survey on the level of
internalization of core values. Survey results are reflected in internal policies such as resolving employee VOC
and identifying improvements.

Caring for the Mental Health of Employees

Samsung Electro-Mechanics operates the Mind Health Center, a professional psychological counseling center staffed by certified and licensed professionals. The center provides individual/couple/child counseling,
leadership coaching, and department-level counseling, and offers meditation programs in conjunction with
in-house meditation rooms and external meditation training facilities to help employees manage stress.
To make counseling services more accessible to domestic and overseas employees, we operate online channels such as instant messaging services and mobile applications dedicated to psychological counseling, and a 24-hour telephone counseling channel is also available for urgent counseling needs.

Case - Mental health management for “gatekeepers” in charge of departments
We provide mental health management training once a year for gatekeepers who serve as counselors within their departments at domestic and overseas business sites. We also share mental health information with gatekeepers from time to time to care for the mental health of employees.

Provision of personalized training

Introductory Training

Samsung Electro-Mechanics offers a variety of training programs for new employees to help them adjust to the organization early and lay a foundation for growth. We provide various essential trainings, including training on the basic mindset and attitude required as an employee and the organizational culture, as well as a mentoring system to enhance job understanding and adjustment to the department, site visits, and assignments such as identifying improvement items, to help new employees grow into talented professionals with
Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ distinctive sense of professionalism and expertise.

ESG Education for New and Experienced Employees

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has been mandatorily including ESG courses in the introductory training for new employees and in the training for experienced employees since 2022. Employees are educated on the direction and purpose of ESG management pursued by Samsung Electro-Mechanics and are encouraged to learn about and participate in what Samsung Electro-Mechanics aims to contribute to its customers and human society in line with “Harmony with” in its core value RiGHT©.

Job Training

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts a systematic job training program to strengthen the professionalism of
its employees. We provide various training through Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ integrated learning platform, “SEM Academy”, and support employee growth by building roadmaps according to the competencies required for each job and level.

Leadership Skill Development Training

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts position-specific leadership training to promote leadership in managing the organizational workforce and managing performance. The training focuses on the necessary competencies for each role, and regular leadership courses are held twice a year, especially for Group Leaders and Part Leaders, with the goal of strengthening leadership skills and fostering technical expertise.

Leadership Skill Development Training - Target, Training content
Target Training content
Group Leaders
  • Leadership training for managing departmental staff and managing performance
Part Leaders
Field Leaders
  • Part Leaders: Training on managing conflict and fostering collaboration across business units
  • Process Leaders: Training on field improvement and people management skills
  • Line Leaders: Training on communication skills and situational interviewing, etc.
Field Leader Candidates
  • Awareness of roles and responsibilities as the next supervisor, organizational management from A to Z, and more.
Leadership Coaching Training

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts leadership coaching training to help build empathy and communication between leaders and department members, thereby contributing to the development of employee competencies. In particular, we have developed and distributed the “One-on-one Guide for Executives and Group Leaders”, which can be used as a reference for one-on-one dialogues with department members. Samsung Electro-Mechanics will continue to develop online microlearning content on performance
management and coaching to help leaders improve their coaching skills.


Provision of global skills training

Samsung Electro-Mechanics offers a variety of language programs to help employees improve their communication skills in foreign languages. We offer a variety of courses, including intensive courses in an educational environment separate from work and courses that are conducted in parallel with work, so that employees can choose a program that suits their situation and needs. We also support employees in regularly taking foreign language assessment tests through in-house language assessment testing.

Provision of global skills training - Category, Details
Category Details
Foreign Language
Residence Hall

Intensive training designed to build global, professional-level language skills through contextualized learning in an environment away from the workplace

Intensive course
In-house language

In-house language classes during lunch/dinner breaks


Online foreign language courses


Skills Development Programs

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts various training programs to strengthen the skills of its employees.
By providing employees with various training opportunities, we strengthen their expertise while motivating
them to work. Through training on future technologies, employees can develop their potential to not only
enhance their skills but also create opportunities for new businesses.

Skills Development Programs - Category, Details
Category Details

Master’s programs at top domestic and international universities to develop business leaders

Academic Training

Domestic and international master’s (2 years) and doctoral (4 years) degrees for strategy and technology acquisition

Local Experts

A global talent development program where participants spend a year abroad
learning language and culture

AI course

A collective training course where participants learn actual cases based on AI theory


Evaluation & Compensation

Operating a Goal-Based Evaluation Process

All Samsung Electro-Mechanics employees set MBOs to establish clear work directions and take initiative in performing their duties and are evaluated based on them. Evaluations consist of performance evaluations of
job performance and competency evaluations of work ability and attitude, and the results are reflected in promotions, annual salaries, and performance incentives. To ensure fairness and acceptance, mid-year performance reviews are conducted, and feedback is provided through one-on-one meetings with managers.
If there is any disagreement with the final evaluation results, employees can request a re-evaluation through
the Appeals System.

Evaluation Compensation Principles
Evaluation process
Consultation process for setting KPIs

Set and submit personal
annual objectives (MBOs)

  • Each element is reflected as a quantified KPI indicator

Determine appropriateness of annual goals (Appraiser)

  • Approve after determining appropriateness
  • Provide feedback if revisions are needed

Revise and submit objectives in case of any changes

  • Can be modified at any time based on 1-on-1 feedback

Human Rights Policy

Samsung Electro-Mechanics Human Rights Policy

Samsung Electro-Mechanics adheres to the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO),
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Ten Principles, and the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct. We are committed to protecting fundamental human rights and treating all employees with dignity and respect, in accordance with internationally
recognized standards.

1. Prohibition of Forced Labor

Samsung Electro-Mechanics prohibits all forms of modern slavery including forced labor, bonded labor, and human trafficking. We ensure an environment where employees can work voluntarily and freely. Employment contracts including working conditions are provided in writing to all workers in their native language or
a language they can understand.
Workers are not required to pay deposits or recruitment fees as a condition of employment. Except where
legally mandated, we do not retain workers' identification documents or equivalent documents.
All work must be voluntary, and workers have the freedom to terminate their employment at any time without penalty, provided they give reasonable notice as stipulated in their contract.
Workers' access to and movement within workplaces, including break areas, factories, and dormitories,
is not unreasonably restricted.

2. Prohibition of Child Labor

Samsung Electro-Mechanics prohibits all forms of child labor and complies with minimum working age requirements set by laws and regulations in each country and region where we operate.
Samsung Electro-Mechanics prevents child labor cases by checking the age of applicants during the employment contract process, and continuously complies with our employment rules which explicitly state
that 'only those aged 18 and above may be hired.’

3. Non-Discrimination

Samsung Electro-Mechanics does not discriminate in employment and work performance based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, place of birth, disability, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, political orientation, sexual identity, or union membership. We respect individual diversity and provide
equal opportunities.
The company treats all workers and stakeholders without discrimination, including temporary, migrant,
student, contract, and directly employed workers, and complies with non-discrimination regulations by
ensuring fairness in wages and other employment conditions. Additionally, we apply fair evaluation criteria
without discrimination in all personnel processes including recruitment, promotion, and compensation.

4. Compliance with Working Hours and Guarantee of Minimum Wage

Samsung Electro-Mechanics complies with regulations regarding legal working hours, holidays, and leave entitlements in each country where we operate.
We regularly monitor employees’ working hours and provide overtime compensation in accordance with
legal standards.
Samsung Electro-Mechanics provides wages above the statutory minimum wage to ensure employees'
financial stability.
Employees performing the same work and possessing the same qualifications receive equal pay, and we comply with payment methods based on respective local laws.

5. Humane Treatment

Samsung Electro-Mechanics does not tolerate any direct or indirect acts that could constitute
workplace harassment.
We strictly prohibit harsh and inhumane treatment against workers, including violence, sexual violence,
sexual harassment, abuse, psychological or physical coercion, and bullying. We also operate online and
offline grievance resolution procedures to ensure humane treatment and provide appropriate measures and
support to affected individuals.

6. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Samsung Electro-Mechanics respects workers' rights to participate in peaceful assembly and their rights not to participate, in accordance with laws and regulations in each country and region where we operate. We do not discriminate against, retaliate against, or harass workers for joining labor unions, demanding collective bargaining, or participating in collective bargaining.

Human Rights Protection System

Samsung Electro-Mechanics strives to protect the human rights of its employees through the collaboration of the Legal Team, Compliance Team, People Team, Audit Team, and Counseling Office. In addition, Samsung Electro-Mechanics operates the Labor-Management Council, which is composed of elected employees,
to resolve various employee grievances and protect their human rights. The grievance resolution activities of the Labor-Management Council are transparently disclosed to employees through the Council’s website.


Human Rights Inspections

Human Rights Inspections

Samsung Electro-Mechanics strives to establish a culture of respect for human rights in the company through regular human rights inspections. Every year, we conduct human rights respect inspections for all employees at domestic business sites through organizational diagnosis and check the status of mutual respect among employees and the internalization of a human rights protection culture. If problems are found, we analyze the causes and make improvements.
Samsung Electro-Mechanics also has a grievance officer for each business site to assist employees in handling grievances. We operate a reporting center within the Knox portal and a dedicated e-mail account for
anonymous reporting. In the event of business expansion, such as mergers and acquisitions, we conduct a
preliminary review to ensure that the target company does not pose significant potential human rights risks.
In addition, we have foreign-language (English and Japanese) employment rules for foreign employees, and each of our overseas corporations also publishes employment rules in the local language to ensure respect for human rights.

Compliance with Initiatives

Samsung Electro-Mechanics complies with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and inspects the entire supply chain, including domestic and overseas business sites and business partners, in accordance with the five areas of the RBA Code of Conduct (labor, health and safety, environment, business ethics, and management systems). In addition, in 2023, Samsung Electro-Mechanics became the first Korean company to join Drive+, a council of automotive electronic component supply companies pursuing sustainable management in the automotive industry. As such, Samsung Electro-Mechanics complies with the global initiative’s code of conduct and strives to ensure a sustainable working environment for employees and
business partners.

Inspection and Improvement

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts annual RBA Self-Assessment (SAQ) and on-site inspections by specialized third party auditors based on RBA VAP standards at its domestic and overseas business sites.
Initial audits are conducted every two years for RBA VAP site inspections and every one to two years for sites that conduct RBA Non-VAP. Improvement plans are developed and implemented by each relevant department for any findings identified as a result of the audit. A third-party audit organization conducts a Closure Audit of
the improvements made.


Handling Grievances

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is committed to supporting the resolution of grievances related to human rights violations.

Human Rights Reporting Channel

Samsung Electro-Mechanics operates a reporting channel for human rights violations such as discrimination and harassment by setting up a sexual harassment and harassment reporting center on the company’s intranet and takes appropriate action in accordance with the internal report handling process. We also operate a dedicated e-mail account for anonymous reporting, and if the damage caused by the report is substantiated,
the perpetrator may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action such as a reprimand, reduction in pay,
or suspension. In addition, we support the resolution of grievances through internal counseling centers and
mobile messenger reporting channels.

인권 신고채널 운영 - Channel, Support
Channel Support
Center for the Reporting of
Sexual Harassment and
Harassment in the Workplace

Operating a reporting channel on the company intranet for verbal, physical and visual sexual harassment and other harassment such as assault, battery, unfair orders, workplace bullying and character assassination

Dedicated e-mail account for reporting

A reporting e-mail account for anonymous reporting

Internal counseling center

Providing an internal counseling support program

Mobile application ‘Mobile 7979’

Consultation and reporting via mobile messenger

Operation of the Hanwoolim Council and Grievance Handling

Samsung Electro-Mechanics operates the Hanwoolim Council, a labor-management council, in accordance
with the “Act on the Promotion of Employees’ Participation and Cooperation”. It operates by reviewing various
issues related to employees’ working environment every month through the Board Consultation Body and
then submitting them to the Business Site Council for resolution, and important issues related to employees’
working conditions are disclosed to all employees within five days after the monthly consultation. We receive
suggestions such as grievances and comments from employees through the Hanwoolim website at all times.
We strive to resolve grievances by responding within 24 hours of receiving the suggestions, taking action within
10 days, and communicating the results.


Diversity and Inclusion

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is committed to building an inclusive corporate culture where everyone is given a fair chance regardless of their background, including gender, age, nationality, race, religion and sexual orientation.

Diversity by Gender - Age - Country

Samsung Electro-Mechanics strives to spread a culture of gender equality within the organization and create an environment where all employees can demonstrate their abilities based on equal opportunities. In addition,
as our employees are composed of various age groups ranging from 20s to 50+, we strive to help them understand each other and communicate smoothly through various intergenerational exchange programs.

Developing Women Leaders

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is committed to the career development and empowerment of female
employees. We are expanding the pool of leaders by targeting talented female employees and annually
selecting key employees who have the qualities to be future leaders and training them in various leadership
training courses. In addition to motivating female employees by increasing the number of key female
employees from 5.6% in 2020 to more than 10% in 2021 and beyond, we also enroll two female employees
each year in the Next Generation Leader Training Program to develop future female business leaders with
growth potential.

Hiring people with disabilities

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is working to increase the number of employees with disabilities. We recruit employees with disabilities through a fair process in accordance with the special case for calculating the
number of employees with disabilities.


Safety and health systems

Safety and Health Policy

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has created a safety culture in which all employees participate in preventing safety incidents and creating a pleasant working environment in accordance with the management principle of
“A safe environment is our top priority”.

The 10 Safety Commandments
  • Safety Philosophy: All accidents are preventable.
  • Conduct Principle: Comply with laws and standards and go above and beyond.
  • Field-centric: Find answers in the field.
  • Safety Awareness: The enemy of safety is not risk, but indifference.
  • Open-minded: Openly share all irrationalities and suggestions for change.
  • Work Standards: If it’s not safe, don’t do it.
  • Continuous Improvement: Find the source of the risk and keep improving until it is eliminated.
  • People First: Treat business partners and co-workers like family.
  • Skill Improvement: Continually learn and apply.
  • Safety Standards: Make your workplace safer than your home.
Safety and Health Management System

Samsung Electro-Mechanics strives to provide a safe work environment for its stakeholders, including employees, business partners and visitors, at all business sites based on the ISO 45001 safety and health management system. All Samsung Electro-Mechanics business sites have completed the transition audit for ISO 45001 safety and health management system certification as of 2022, and the system is regularly validated through internal audits and follow-up audits by third-party certification organizations.

Operating Safety and Health Advisory Groups

Samsung Electro-Mechanics holds quarterly meetings of the Industrial Safety and Health Committee, which is composed of an equal number of labor and management representatives, including worker representatives
and business site representatives, to deliberate and resolve important issues related to safety and health.
In addition, to build a safe workplace, Samsung Electro-Mechanics holds the Safe Environment Meeting and
the Safe Environment Consultative Group, in which managers of each business unit, including the person
responsible for safety and health management, directly participate to share and discuss safety and health
issues and safety activities.

Serious Accident Response System

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has established 13 compliance guidelines to prevent serious accidents and developed an implementation management system to check and monitor the implementation of the safety
and health management system.

13 Key steps to prevent serious accidents
  • Establish and review health and safety management policies
  • Establish safety and health organizations at all business headquarters locations
  • Establish and implement procedures to improve risk factors
  • Establish safety and health staffing, budgeting, and execution procedures
  • Appoint safety and health specialists and support their work
  • Establish procedures for employee/business partner input
  • Prepare and review procedures for responding to serious accidents
  • Establish standard procedures for safety evaluation of business partners
  • Establish procedures for investigating causes of accidents, measures to prevent recurrence, etc.
  • Report on government requirements/directives and implementation results
  • Conduct regular safety and health inspections, training meetings, etc.
  • Comply with safety and health laws and regulations, manage and control training
  • Other safety management (management participation in safety activities, etc.)

Building a safety-centered site

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts work environment surveys to build a safety-centered site and takes action to improve it when necessary.

Workplace Improvement Process

Baseline Survey
  • Identify regulatory compliance requirements
  • Receive departmental complaints
  • Best Business Sites B/M
  • Identify online VOC
Status Survey
  • Measure and survey
  • Worker interviews
  • Identify key factors
Improvement Actions
  • Discuss opportunities for improvement
  • Implement improvements
  • Analyze the effectiveness of improvement actions
Hazardous and Dangerous Work Safety Management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics requires that when performing work involving the risk of exposure to hazardous and dangerous substances and 9 types of hazardous work (fire, asbestos, electricity, etc.), a work plan including a safety work plan must be prepared and approved in advance through the hazardous work permit system.

Hazardous and Dangerous Work Accident Prevention Process

  • Preparation of hazardous work plan and registration in the system
  • Approval by relevant department managers and concurrence with the person in charge
    of Safe Environment
Before starting work
  • Documentation and on-site Daily Risk Inspection (DRI) before starting hazardous work
  • Review of the safety management plan
  • Provision of worker safety training
  • Implementation of preventive measures such as assigning safety supervisors
During work
  • Patrol inspections by safety personnel, infrastructure personnel, and the safety watch group
After work is completed
  • Check whether any risk factors remain and take action
Workplace Risk Assessment

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts regular risk assessments each year and evaluates them as changes occur. Through risk assessment, we identify hazardous risk factors, establish measures to reduce them,
and make improvements. We also strengthen our capabilities by utilizing internal and external instructors to
train risk assessment specialists each year.

Employee safety assessment

Samsung Electro-Mechanics sets objectives for safe environment activities for management and managers’ objective management (MBO) to establish an autonomous safety culture and safe business sites. We conduct annual safety culture level assessments for employees to identify and analyze the level of safety management.

Prevention Management of Serious Industrial Accidents

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has developed and operates a management system for 12 items of Process Safety Management (PSM), including fire and explosion, to achieve the highest level of PSM and zero major industrial accidents. For processes that handle large amounts of hazardous substances, we strive to thoroughly manage safety through process safety information materials, risk assessments, safe operating procedure manuals, and the preparation and evaluation of process safety reports. In addition, to improve the level of process safety management operations, we use the PSM system to conduct drawing reconciliation and qualitative/quantitative evaluations every year and obtain third-party verification of process safety management implementation from external professional organizations. As a result, our Suwon and Busan business sites received the highest grade, P, in the PSM implementation grade evaluation organized by the Ministry of Employment and Labor in 2022 and have maintained it to date.


Safety incident prevention activities

To establish an autonomous safety culture, Samsung Electro-Mechanics defines roles and responsibilities for each position and conducts safety culture activities in which all employees participate. Management and supervisors conduct monthly safety inspections and identify and implement improvements, and employees participate in creating a safe workplace through self-directed potential risk identification activities and safety communication suggestions.

Safety Incident Prevention Activities

Samsung Electro-Mechanics prevents safety incidents through activities such as the dissemination of CSO safety messages, employee safety pledges, and the creation of a “Not To Do List,” which is a list of basic safety rules. We conduct safety culture activities to build a safe workplace by introducing potential risk identification activities and a real-time safety communication system (SEM-S) in which all employees can voluntarily participate, and we organize grid inspection teams to conduct safety activities to discover and improve any unreasonable problems at all business sites.

Employee Safety and Health Training

Samsung Electro-Mechanics provides customized safety training for executives, managers, indirect workers, production workers and others according to their positions and duties. Using the in-house experiential training center, we enhance employees' risk management skills according to the situation through evacuation training such as earthquake and fire evacuation, safety accident experience using virtual reality and mixed reality, cardiopulmonary resuscitation practice, and the use of automated external defibrillators. In addition,
employees are required to attend courses offered by external safety and health organizations as needed, such
as accident investigation and risk assessment specialist training, to enhance their expertise in their respective

Disaster Preparedness Drills

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has established 15 crisis response scenarios and conducts regular drills every month to ensure quick response and minimize damage in the event of emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, chemical spills and food poisoning. In addition, we are building an organic cooperation system to prepare for disaster situations through joint public-private drills.

Disaster Preparedness Drills - Course name, Target, Frequency, Details
Course name Target Frequency Details
Joint drills All employees Once a year Joint disaster response and evacuation exercises with external organizations
Response drills Departments by type Once a month Exercise with the top 15 crisis response scenarios
Basic drills Manufacturing Process Quarterly by theme Conduct own drills with scenarios such as fire, chemical spill, etc.
Other drills Dormitory Twice a year
(first and second half)
Unannounced nighttime fire/evacuation response drills
Day care center Once a month Fire/evacuation response drills

Employee health management

Employee Health Promotion

Samsung Electro-Mechanics offers a wide range of health check-up programs for its employees, including general and special health check-ups, mental health check-ups, and comprehensive and precise medical
check-ups to assess cancer throughout the body. In addition, to promote employee health and to prevent and
manage illness and occupational disease, we operate an in-house medical clinic with specialists such as family
medicine and dermatology, as well as a physical therapy room and a posture correction room. In addition, we
support employee health improvement through three health screening programs, including a return-to-work
program after sick leave, a hazard risk assessment for mothers, and smoking cessation/obesity/mobile health

Infectious disease prevention

Samsung Electro-Mechanics prevents infectious diseases from entering the workplace and has established emergency response scenarios for suspected and confirmed cases and four-step standards for internal response. In the event of an infectious disease outbreak, we immediately open a disease control center to identify and respond in real time.

Infectious Disease Phased Response Process

Level 1 Concern
  • Increase communication and strengthen prevention measures
Level 2 Caution
  • Take Level 1 measures and restrict access to premises, secure emergency supplies
Level 3 Vigilance
  • Take Level 2 measures and wear masks in the office
Level 4 Severe
  • Take Level 3 measures and no in-house trainings
  • Manage personal temperatures
  • Restrict business travel
  • Place hand sanitizers
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