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Sustainable Management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics pursues sustainable growth by taking on challenges for a better planet and life.

Sustainable Challenges for
a Better Planet and Life

Samsung Electro-Mechanics strives to create value for stakeholders,

achieve sustainable growth, and enhance corporate value.

We have established SYNC, a four-pillar framework for sustainability management,

and aim to create future value by prioritizing a sustainable environment for

the planet, positive social impact, community contribution,

and transparent decision-making and communication.


Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ Framework for
Sustainable Management, SYNC

  • S
    Strive for Sustainability

    Sustainable environment
    for the planet

    # Climate Action # Manage to minimize environmental impact
  • Y
    Yield Positive Changes

    Positive social impact

    # Treat each other with respect and maintain a safe workplace # Strengthen ESG in the Supply Chain
  • N
    Nurture Our Communities

    Community contribution

    # Nurture future generations # Spread a culture of giving
  • C
    Craft Credible Communication

    Transparent decision-making
    & communication

    # Establish a leading governance structure # Practice ethical management

External Assessment

Samsung Electro-Mechanics actively responds to various ESG
assessments that evaluate the company’s level of sustainable management.

  • DJSI World, Asia
    Pacific, Korea
    Included for
    16 consecutive years
  • FTSE4Good Selected for
    14 consecutive years
  • KCGS Received an A rating for
    6 consecutive years
  • Sustainalytics
    ESG Risk
    Low Risk for
    6 consecutive years
  • MSCI ESG Ratings Received an A rating for
    2 consecutive years
  • CDP Climate Change, Water Security Received an A-rating for
    2 consecutive years
(As of 2024)

Governance Structure

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has established the ESG Committee under the Board of Directors to create sustainable value and communicate with stakeholders. The ESG Committee serves as the highest decision-making body for Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ sustainability management activities and deliberates on ESG disclosures. In addition, the company has established and operates a company-wide sustainable management system with the ESG Group in charge of sustainable management practices. The ESG Group, which oversees Samsung Electro-Mechanics' internal sustainable management activities, establishes strategies for overall sustainable management in collaboration with business departments by field, and is responsible for
information disclosure, external cooperation and communication.

Sustainable Management Organization Chart

Performance Reward System

To strengthen the responsibility of the management for sustainable management and ensure that sustainable management activities are applied throughout the business, we are incorporating ESG-related items into the organization and performance evaluation system for executives. Sustainable management items in the environmental and social areas, such as renewable energy conversion, energy reduction, building an environmentally friendly foundation, improving safety levels, compliance management activities, and building
a culture of mutual respect, are reflected as goals in accordance with the characteristics of the organization and the work of executives, and their performance is evaluated. The evaluation results are linked to the executive compensation system, and Samsung Electro-Mechanics plans to further improve the performance evaluation and compensation system of the organization and its executives.


Risk Management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is creating a company-wide risk management culture to enable all employees to identify and proactively respond to risks in their respective work environments. For each major issue, each company-wide organization manages its own risk management system, including the Finance Team for
financial risks, the People Team for human rights and HR-related risks, and the Safe Environment Team for safe environment related issues.

Risk management training

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts regular risk management training. The Board of Directors receives training at least twice a year, and the Board of Directors conducts site inspections once every two years. Employees are trained annually on safe environment risks, and compliance management issues by job
position, and various training programs are provided, including compliance training, safe environment training,
information protection, and industry trend training.

Compliance risk management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics reviews and manages the risk of legal violations through the Samsung
Compliance Monitoring Committee and operates an internal compliance management implementation
organization system to practice effective compliance management. Top management provides direction and
makes decisions on compliance management through the Compliance Management Committee. In addition,
we support the compliance activities of functional organizations through compliance management programs
and appoint compliance officers to oversee compliance activities and compliance leaders to practice
compliance management in domestic and overseas team leader-level organizations.

Tax Risk Management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics complies with the tax laws and regulations of its headquarters and the countries
in which it operates, as stated in the Tax Management Operating Guidelines, and faithfully fulfills its obligations
to file tax returns and pay taxes. To this end, we maintain transparent relationships with tax authorities in the
countries where our local subsidiaries operate, and we actively manage and evaluate tax risks from various
aspects by managing the careers of tax personnel in local subsidiaries and utilizing external experts such as
accountants. In addition, Samsung Electro-Mechanics does not transfer the value generated from its business
activities to low-tax jurisdictions for the purpose of tax avoidance. In particular, we maintain fair transaction
prices in transactions with third parties and related parties in accordance with domestic transaction laws, and
we prevent international tax risks by trading at normal prices in transfer pricing operations in international transactions.

Tax Management Guidelines
  • All laws and regulations shall prioritize accounting standards and tax laws imposed by headquarters and local countries.
  • We recognize the differences in the tax laws of each country, file tax returns and fulfill our tax obligations in good faith, and do not transfer income to low-tax countries such as tax havens to evade taxation.
  • Employees in charge of tax payments at local offices shall maintain transparent relationships with the tax authorities in each country and strive to prevent tax risks.
  • Overseas business sites shall manage internal personnel and utilize external specialists to the fullest extent to comply with local tax laws and prevent tax risks.
  • In the case of transactions between related parties, such as the headquarter and overseas business sites,
    the risk of obtaining a proper profit margin is measured through a transfer price review by external experts.
    We obtain relevant reports to respond to tax risks that may arise in the future.
  • All transactions are based on commercial substance (prohibition of tax structure without commercial substance), and related qualifications are documented and kept. We meet the payment deadlines for all of our profits and fulfill our tax obligations.
Internal Accounting Management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics implements an internal accounting management system to enhance the transparency of accounting information and provide trustworthy information to external stakeholders. Based
on the “Act on External Audit of Corporations and Related Laws, including the Enforcement Decree of the same Act”, the internal accounting management regulations and business policies are operated on a compliant basis. We conduct operational evaluations for the head office and overseas subsidiaries on a quarterly basis,
and any deficiencies found during the evaluation process are improved through a three-way consultation between the auditor, the relevant department, and the person in charge. In addition, we conduct third-party cross-evaluations to ensure the objectivity of the evaluation, and in the case of overseas subsidiaries, we check the operational status. In addition, we have established the Audit Committee Secretariat to support the Audit Committee's independent and objective evaluation of the operating status of the consolidated internal accounting management system.

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