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Social Contribution

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is committed to sharing
our capabilities and resources with the society.

Social Contribution Strategy

In line with Samsung's management philosophy and core values, Samsung Electro-Mechanics is focusing our core competencies
and resources on social contribution activities to address the social challenges of our time.
Under the vision of "Let's go together into the future!",
we are carrying out activities with youth education and community contribution as our main strategies.

Enabling People

Youth Education

By providing quality educational opportunities, independence programs, and more,
we help youth and young adults in need make a successful transition into society.

  • Blue Elephant (PUCO)
    This program supports cyberbullying eradication campaigns, prevention education, and counseling for victims of cyberbullying
    to prevent youth cyberbullying.
  • Samsung SW academy for youth (SSAFY)
    This program helps unemployed young people find jobs by providing software skills training using Samsung's software training and recruitment know-how.
  • Dream Class
    It is a program in which employees, professionals, and university students serve as mentors to middle school students from disadvantaged educational backgrounds to help them explore careers, develop future skills, and receive basic education.
  • Stepping Stones of Hope
    It is a project that supports independence by providing housing
    and one-on-one customized education tailored to individual
    abilities to youth who age out of foster care (age 18) and step into

Global Social Contribution

We strive to mitigate inequality and fulfill our corporate social responsibility
by identifying and supporting social projects that meet local needs.


Blue Elephant (PUCO)

Blue Elephant (PUCO) is a long-term (2020-2029) youth cyberbullying prevention program operated by a total
of seven Samsung affiliates (Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Samsung Electronics, Samsung Display, Samsung SDI, Samsung SDS, Samsung BioLogics, and Samsung Bioepis) in cooperation with the Blue Tree Foundation, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, the National Police Agency, and the Community Chest of Korea. With the goal of not only preventing the growing problem of youth cyberbullying in the digital age, but also building a system that can identify the nature of the problem and respond to it, we are conducting activities such as preventive education, non-violence campaigns to create a preventive culture, counseling for healing, and academic research.

사이버정글 가디언 푸른코끼리 Cyber Jungle Guardian, PUCO

As a result, many students and citizens have participated in various programs, and we have contributed to the government's revision of the law against school violence and related policy issues. Samsung Electro-Mechanics will continue to contribute to solving the problem of cyberbullying and help our youth, the backbone of the
future society, live more cheerfully.


Samsung SW academy for youth (SSAFY)

Samsung SW academy for youth (SSAFY) is a program that leverages Samsung's experience and expertise in software (SW) education to provide high-quality SW education to unemployed college graduates under the age of 29 to enhance their employability. Samsung Electro-Mechanics has been participating in SSAFY activities
with Samsung affiliates (Samsung Electronics, Samsung Display, Samsung SDI, Samsung SDS and S-1 Corporation) since 2021. SSAFY provides education and employment support services by level for one year at five campuses nationwide (Seoul, Daejeon, Gwangju, Gumi, and Busan-Ulsan-Gyeongnam), and supports the employment of youth who aspire to become software developers through mentoring by Samsung employees who donate their talents.

As a result, graduates of the 1st through 8th programs have been employed by a number of SW companies, including Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Kakao, Naver, and LG CNS, with a cumulative employment rate of approximately 85%. Samsung Electro-Mechanics will continue to support the youth in their journey to receive
the best education through SSAFY and to showcase their skills as they enter the society.


Dream Class

Dream Class is Samsung's social contribution program that shares a three-year “Journey to Dream” with
middle school students who have difficulty finding their dreams and developing career aspirations on their
own. Through a dedicated online learning platform, various activities and learning are provided throughout the
year, and career/vocational mentoring is provided by volunteer mentors from university students, professionals
and Samsung employees. Samsung Electro-Mechanics has been participating in the program since 2022,
supporting the learning needs of adolescent middle school students to help them design a career path that
matches their interests and aptitudes, and strengthen their will to challenge themselves to achieve their


Stepping Stones of Hope

Stepping Stones of Hope is a program that assists youth who have turned 18 and are taking their first steps into society to achieve independence in a stable environment. It supports youth between the ages of 18 and 25 who are ready to become independent by providing them with studio-style, single-room housing for up to two years and individualized, integrated case management services based on their individual abilities.


Sharing Kiosk

The Sharing Kiosk is an internal donation system that donates KRW 1,000 every time an employee tags his or her employee ID card, encouraging employees to donate by creating a culture of sharing within the company. Once employees have raised KRW 5 million through their participation, children in need are nominated by local NGOs to receive the donations. Employees' sharing through the Sharing Kiosk does not end with one-time financial support but leads to talent donation activities such as tutoring and music/art education, making a positive impact. The Sharing Kiosk has been installed and operated at domestic business sites since April 2022, and employees are voluntarily participating.

Employee donation

Samsung Electro-Mechanics operates a sponsorship program in which employees voluntarily donate a certain amount of their monthly salaries. Employees can directly select and donate youth education and community contribution programs they want, and the company operates a matching grant system that contributes the
same amount as employee donations.


Employee Volunteering Activities

Samsung Electro-Mechanics employees actively participate in various face-to-face and contactless volunteer activities for the needy, children, people with disabilities, multicultural families and the elderly to practice
sharing starting from the smallest things. In particular, we are expanding our volunteer activities in the form of
talent donation to social welfare institutions and community needs to communicate and harmonize with the
local community.

  • Supporting the preparation of side dishes and meal kits in a contactless manner for the elderly living alone in local communities
  • Tutoring children in learning centers
  • Opening a badminton class for physical development
  • Sponsoring birthday parties for children in childcare centers
  • Conducting employee blood drives to overcome blood shortages
  • Providing DIY air purifying plants
  • Providing solar lanterns for overseas youth who lack electricity, etc.

Community Outreach

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts various activities tailored to the needs of local communities for win-win coexistence. In particular, we participate as a member of the steering committee of community safety consultative groups and social welfare organizations (Suwon Global Youth Dream Center) near our business sites to understand the challenges faced by local communities. We also participate in the Corporate Welfare
Net organized by the Busan City Social Welfare Consultative Group to cooperate with local companies.
Through these community consultative groups, we support blind spots in need and carry out joint projects for
the development of local communities.


One Company Multi-Village Activities

Samsung Electro-Mechanics runs a traditional holiday online direct sales market with sister villages to carry out the Urban-Rural Co-existence Campaign. Employees can purchase local specialty products through the online direct sales market. We are working to secure sales channels for local specialty products in the sister villages, contributing to increased income and helping to build a foundation for rural self-reliance.

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