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Product Environment

Samsung Electro-Mechanics practices product
environmental stewardship.


Control of hazardous substances in products

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is committed to the systematic management of environmentally harmful substances in its products.

  • Control system for hazardous substances in products
    We restrict and manage the use of hazardous materials from the product development stage to comply with global environmental regulations.
  • Management of business partner product environments
    We strive to support the supply chain to voluntarily respond to product environmental regulations.

Control of carbon in products

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is committed to carbon control throughout the manufacturing and supply process.


Control system for hazardous substances in products

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has established its own management standards to comply with global product environmental regulations, including the EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization & Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), and restricts the use of environmentally hazardous substances in products from the product development research stage. The main target substances are the 10 EU RoHS substances (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr6+, PBBs, PBDEs, BBP, DBP, DEHP, DIBP), and we also control substances that can potentially have a negative impact on the human body and the environment,
such as REACH Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC), halogens, antimony, beryllium, etc.

Hazardous substance control process
Green Purchasing System

Samsung Electro-Mechanics operates a Green Purchasing System to systematically manage environmentally hazardous substances in its products and strives to efficiently respond to global product environmental regulations and customer needs. Raw material business partners are required to submit raw material
ingredient information, material safety data sheets (MSDS), and precision analysis reports to prove that they
meet Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ standards for controlling environmentally hazardous substances. If they do
not, we ask our business partners to improve their data. In addition, to realize green purchasing, we voluntarily
prioritize the purchase of environmentally labeled products and report our performance to government
agencies every year.

Material Analysis System

Samsung Electro-Mechanics analyzes material samples using simple analysis equipment to quickly detect the use of environmentally hazardous substances in raw materials supplied by business partners, and regularly analyzes chemicals such as Pb (lead), Cd (cadmium), Cr6+ (hexavalent chromium), Hg (mercury), Br (bromine), Cl (chlorine), and Sb (antimony) in raw materials supplied. If a product is found to contain environmentally hazardous substances, we commission an external certified analysis testing agency to conduct a detailed analysis of the product for accurate verification and manage the analysis results through our in-house
substance analysis system.


Management of business partner product environments

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts annual training for personnel in charge of product environment to
support the supply chain’s voluntary response to product environment regulations. In addition to providing
information on the latest trends in the product environment field, including global product environment
regulations and standards for the control of environmentally hazardous substances, we strive to raise
awareness of the importance of complying with product environment regulations and strengthen our own
internal standards for the control of environmentally hazardous substances through training on the use of the
in-house system. We also provide training to our business partners twice a year to promote mutual growth and
strengthen their capabilities.


Control of carbon in products

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

As a business-to-business (B2B) company that manufactures and supplies components, Samsung Electro-Mechanics calculates the carbon information generated from the pre-manufacturing stage (supply chain) to
the manufacturing stage (Samsung Electro-Mechanics business sites) in accordance with the Guidelines for Environmental Performance Labeling of Manufactured Goods provided by the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute under the Ministry of Environment. As the number of customers requesting carbon information not only at the business site level but also at the product level has increased recently, we are exploring our own carbon footprint calculation method and considering establishing a database for each
product to respond systematically.

LCA Process
Obtaining carbon footprint certification

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is pursuing various activities such as reducing the consumption of energy and process gas with the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050, while also striving to obtain carbon footprint certification to evaluate and transparently disclose the environmental impact of its products throughout their lifecycle. Starting with the acquisition of the MLCC industry’s first carbon footprint (environmental performance label) certification in 2010, we are continuously making efforts to maintain product carbon footprint
certification and expand the number of certified products.

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