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Ethical Management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics recognizes the importance of ethical
management and strives to prevent and eliminate corruption.

Ethical Management System

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is building a transparent organizational culture based on
the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct to prevent and combat corruption.
We conduct anti-corruption training for all employees at domestic and overseas business
locations and improve identified process vulnerabilities.
In addition, we conduct activities to raise awareness and willingness to practice ethical management among business partners.

Submit Your Report by

  • E-mail
  • Fax
  • Tel
  • Address
    Auditing Team, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, 150, Maeyeong-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (16674)

Ethical Management

Regular audit of ethical management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts audits after establishing an inspection plan for its domestic and
overseas production and sales corporations. Through the inspections, we support the practice of ethical
management by identifying problems and taking improvement measures for vulnerable management areas
within the organization. In addition, based on the Ethical Management Guidelines, we analyze fraud risks at
domestic and overseas business sites and detect abnormalities to prevent the escalation and spread of
incidents, and strive to eradicate fraud by improving vulnerable processes.

Components of Ethical Management
Components of Ethical Management - Category, Index
Category Index
Business Relations Acceptance of bribes and gifts, financial transactions,
disadvantaged treatment of partners
Corporate funds and assets Embezzlement, theft of assets
Work discipline Habitual negligence, improper financial transactions between employees
Others Information and human capital leakage

Ethical Management Activities

Ethical Management Program

Samsung Electro-Mechanics conducts ethical management programs for domestic and overseas employees every year based on employee guidelines to internalize the practice of ethical management. We strengthen the implementation of ethical management by providing ethics training for all employees, operating channels for reporting ethical management violations (available in Korean, English, Chinese, and Vietnamese), and conducting regular ethical management inspections.

Key Ethical Management Programs for Employees
Key Ethical Management Programs for Employees - Programs, Details
Programs Details
Ethical Management Cyber Audit Office Channels for internal and external stakeholders to report illegal and wrongful conduct
Ethics training Annual anti-corruption and Code of Conduct training for domestic
and international employees (including non-regular employees)
Ethical Management Cyber Training Annual anti-corruption and ethical management training through an online training platform for employees
Ethics Training for Employees

Samsung Electro-Mechanics prevents corruption risks such as business partners, company public funds and assets, work ethics, and information and personnel leakage by incorporating the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct into employee guidelines to build a corruption-free organizational culture. We conduct annual
anti-corruption training for all employees at domestic and overseas subsidiaries and provide separate ethics training for leadership levels (executives, heads of positions, expatriates, etc.).

Efforts to Prevent Recurrence of Corruption

Samsung Electro-Mechanics provides customized training and guidelines to prevent the recurrence of corruption-related incidents, and annually conducts the “Pledge to Practice Compliance and Ethical Management” for all employees, including the management team. Quarterly incident reports are posted on the intranet, and regular inspection plans are established and implemented at each production and sales
corporation base to take immediate improvement measures for vulnerable processes.

Samsung Electro-Mechanics Anti-Corruption Program
Samsung Electro-Mechanics Anti-Corruption Program - Target, Details
Target Details
  • Pledge to practice ethical management
  • Ethical management training (online/offline)
  • Identification and improvement of vulnerable processes
Business Partners
  • Agreement on ethical business practices
  • Share business guidelines
    • Regular business partner meetings
    • Business partner contact guidelines
  • Send official document requesting ethical management cooperation (periodically)

Ethical Management Reporting and Actions

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has established and maintains various reporting channels for fair and prompt handling of Code of Ethics violations.

Operation of the Cyber Audit Office

Samsung Electro-Mechanics is always open to reports through the Ethical Management Cyber Audit Office website, email, mail and telephone. The website is available in Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese, and allows domestic and international stakeholders and whistleblowers to report employee corruption or unethical conduct at any time.

Ethics Management Violations Reporting Channel

To make the reporting channel more accessible to employees, a window for reporting ethical management violations is posted on the
main page of the company's website. We take corrective action after investigating
the facts of the case and strictly discipline employees who commit corruption. After the report is processed,
the person who made the report will be informed of the outcome, and the identity of the person who made the report will be kept strictly anonymous.

Reporting process
Report Received
  • Samsung Electro-Mechanics website
  • E-mail, mail, phone
Acknowledgement of receipt
  • Feedback to reporter within 24 hours of report receipt
Investigation Initiated
  • Facts determined
Investigation Results
  • Investigation results and corrective actions

Business Partner Anti-Corruption

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has established the “Charter of Ethics for Business Partners” to spread the will to practice ethical management and requires all business partners to sign an ethics agreement and submit a pledge to practice it. Since January 2013, we have established “Business Guidelines” with business partners and posted them on business websites used by business partners and customers to help establish a clean business culture. In addition, we contribute to the spread of a corruption-free culture by prohibiting employees from accepting condolence or congratulatory offerings or standing wreaths from business partners for funerals
or weddings.

Establishing a Code of Conduct for Business Partners

Samsung Electro-Mechanics has established the Code of Conduct for Business Partners to strengthen compliance management, which is the foundation for shared growth with business partners and requires business partners to fulfill ethical management. We also require all lower-level supply chains that provide assembly, components, raw materials and packaging to business partners to comply with the Code of
Conduct, which is posted on the Samsung Electro-Mechanics website.

Encouraging Business Partners to Practice Ethical Management

Samsung Electro-Mechanics sends ethical management practice notices twice a year, including traditional holidays, to all domestic and overseas business partners to encourage them to practice ethical management when doing or seeking to do business with us.

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