Samsung Electro-Mechanics practices management that considers
the impact of its business activities on the environment.
Safety, Health, Environment & Energy Policy
- “A safe environment is our top priority”
Samsung Electro-Mechanics proactively prevents accidents for all
stakeholders, including employees and suppliers, by complying with
global standards and assessing risk factors throughout the process.
We also recognize that environmental protection and energy efficiency
are key to sustainable management, and we strive to create safe
workplaces and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.
- Strengthening global-level safe environment and energy management system
- We comply with domestic and international laws, regulations, and conventions related to safety, health, environment, and energy, and we set and faithfully implement enhanced internal standards.
- We ensure leadership and active participation of employees to achieve our goals as well as transparency by disclosing our policies to stakeholders.
- Practicing environmental and energy management
- We take the lead in protecting the environment by using environmentally friendly methods throughout the process of product development, production, etc.
- We strive to minimize the amount of wastewater and waste generated in the manufacturing process and use resources and energy efficiently to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Creating a safe and healthy workplace
- We establish a safety culture in which all employees participate to create a safe and pleasant work environment.
- We practice voluntary safety management and establish a risk management system that identifies and prevents risk factors in advance to prevent safe environment accidents.
- Forming win-win partnerships based on a safe environment
- We share our safe environment management system and technologies with our suppliers to create a safe environment partnership.
- As a member of the local community, we continue to practice environmental conservation and communicate with local residents to fulfill our responsibility for
a safe environment.
Management GovernanceWe review the risks and
opportunities of climate change
that can affect corporate
management as a whole.Learn more
Management SystemWe build a management
system based on ISO14001
and ISO50001 certification.Learn more
Management ActivitiesWe carry out activities to
respond to climate
change and minimize
negative environmental impacts.Learn more